Dimension objects

class cr.cube.dimension.Dimension

Represents one dimension of a cube response.

Each dimension represents one of the variables in a cube response. For example, a query to cross-tabulate snack-food preference against region will have two variables (snack-food preference and region) and will produce a two-dimensional (2D) cube response. That cube will have two of these dimension objects, which are accessed using CrunchCube.dimensions.


Return the alias for the dimension if it exists, None otherwise.


_AllElements object providing cats or subvars of this dimension.

Elements in this sequence appear in cube-result order. Display order (including resolution of the explicit-reordering transforms cascade) is provided by a separate .display_order attribute on _AllElements.


Return a new Dimension object with dimension_transforms applied.

The new dimension object is the same as this one in all other respects.


str description of this dimension.


Member of DIMENSION_TYPE appropriate to this cube dimension.


tuple of int element-id for each valid element in this dimension.

Element-ids appear in the order defined in the cube-result.


tuple of int element-idx for each hidden valid element in this dimension.

An element is hidden when a “hide” transform is applied to it in its transforms dict.


tuple of int insertion-id for each insertion in this dimension.

Insertion-ids appear in the order insertions are defined in the dimension.


str name of this dimension, the empty string (“”) if not specified.


tuple of numeric values for valid elements of this dimension.

Each category of a categorical variable can be assigned a numeric value. For example, one might assign like=1, dislike=-1, neutral=0. These numeric mappings allow quantitative operations (such as mean) to be applied to what now forms a scale (in this example, a scale of preference).

The numeric values appear in the same order as the categories/elements of this dimension. Each element is represented by a value, but an element with no numeric value appears as np.nan in the returned list.


_OrderSpec proxy object for dimension.transforms.order dict from payload.


True if empty elements should be automatically hidden on this dimension.


List of selected categories specified for this dimension.


int count of all elements in this dimension, both valid and missing.


_Subtotals sequence object for this dimension.

Each item in the sequence is a _Subtotal object specifying a subtotal, including its addends and anchor.


_Elements object providing access to non-missing elements.

Any categories or subvariables representing missing data are excluded from the collection; this sequence represents a subset of that provided by .all_elements.